Each year at the May meeting, members and guests of the Sawdust & Woodchips Woodworking Association gather for a fun evening of bidding and buying as we hold our annual auction. For an hour before the auction, attendees peruse tables of “stuff” from other attendees in our Swap Meet. Stuff could be tools, supplies, wood, or magazines; essentially anything attendees want to sell. If they don’t sell their “wares” during the Swap Meet, they often tag them and add to the Auction. After a 5 minute business meeting, our auctioneer starts to move through items tagged and placed in the front for the Auction. The club receives a commission of 10% per item. Owners may place a minimum bid on any item they wish to auction. Members may donate items to SWWA for auction with 100% of sale going to the club.
All items to be auctioned require labels/tags with owner name and minimum price if applicable. SWWA provides labels if needed. All items are sold “AS IS”. All transactions are CASH or Check with ID. We do not take credit cards.
Suggested Items for Swap Meet or Auction:
The things that people will be interested in include handheld power tools (routers, drills, sanders, saws, air nailers, etc), hand tools (planes, hammers, screw drivers, levels, chisels, etc), router and drill bits, saw blades, shaper bits, antique or collectible tools, finishing supplies, stationary power tools and equipment, tool boxes, cabinet hardware, screws/nails and fasteners, cords, motors, lumber (please have bundled and named), gauges, etc. We will be open to anything that is useful and related to the hobby. We can auction by the “box load”.