Community Support

The club’s founding fathers left quite a legacy.  Their idea?  Team up with Sister Corrine’s Food Pantry at St. Rose of Lima Church in North Syracuse to make sure many underprivileged children have a gift under their Christmas tree.  How?  Members build toys of many different types that are donated.  When?  Toys are presented to all club members at the annual Christmas banquet.  What’s Changed? Over the years wood toys continue but member’s families also provide other items like mittens; layette sets; sewn, crocheted, and  knitted quilts; jewelry; and many other non-wood items.  The toys change year to year but the comments back from the families receiving the toys are always the same: “Thank you”, “What a lovely thing to do”, “You mean someone made this!  How special!”.  Read more about it and see photos of toys here.  COMING SOON

Yearly Effort Since Club’s Beginning in 1991

SWWA members believe that giving back to the community is an important component of our organization.  Members give back in different ways each year.  Here are just a few of our community efforts.

There is an African proverb that says, “It takes a village to raise a child”.  Many members of the Central New York woodworking community believe they can be part of that village by donating ornaments and other wooden items to a collaborative sale effort that raises money by selling the donated items.  Members of SWWA lead the initiative that raised $14,000 for the Golisano Children’s Hospital and $5000 for the Upstate Cancer Center from 2006 to 2010. With that built, our efforts were refocused to the new Ronald McDonald House for which we’ve raised over $4000 in just two years. Ornaments are scrolled, turned, some even painted.  Other items donated include wine stoppers, magnets, plaques, nativity sets, crosses, clocks, etc.  Read About it Here.

Over $30,000 Raised to Support Children Charities in Central New York

Demonstrations of Old Fashioned Woodworking

Woodworking without electricity.  Many woodworkers could not survive.  But, for the volunteers from SWWA, they’ve demonstrated woodworking without electricity for ffive years during each of the 12 days of the New York State Fair.  Over 60,000 people each year visit the Museum during their visit to the Fair.  Our volunteers show woodworking with chisels, planes, hand saws, draw knives, spokeshaves, measuring tools, an antique treadle scrollsaw, a spring pole lathe, a shaving horse, a Shaker weaving jig, carving tools, etc. None of these tools have power. Pass by our booth and you’ll learn how wood is sawed, various joints, how they used hide glue to secure wooden furniture, how to bend wood.  It’s all tried and true techniques used by woodworkers in the 1800’s.              Read About It Here

Five Years at the Witter Agricultural Museum During the State Fair

Flag Boxes for Victims of 9-11

On April 23, 2002, 40 handmade flag boxes were shipped to New York City as part of a national effort – Woodworkers United for America – to provide these memorial boxes to survivors of those courageous individuals who died during the horrible events of 9-11.  A group of members built the boxes, receiving  wood and glass donations from B&R Glass Co., Baldwinsville Glass, Dave’s Custom Cabinets, Fern Woods, Giarrusso Building Supplies, Lakeshore Hardwoods, Woodland Specialties.  Gypsum Express of Baldwinsville shipped the crate to New York City at no cost to the club.  John Mielcarski coordinated SWWA’s efforts.

Part of A National Effort

Rocking Harley!      Miniature Workbenches            Dollhouse

Bufford the Bull           Children’s Vanity            Child’s Doll Cradle

Members of SWWA are very generous with their donations of toys at Christmas. However, sometimes they build larger and unique toys that might overwhelm a single family.  When that happens, the toys are donated to locations where more than one child will enjoy the toy.  The first instance was the Rocking Harley built by Bob Norton using a variety of woods.  As big as a typical rocking horse, this special toy was donated to University Hospital in 2003.

Donations to University Hospital / Ronald McDonald House / Vera House

Park Benches for Onondaga Lake Park

A Local Effort Helping Park-Goers

In 1997 a group of SWWA members built several benches that still stand in Onondaga Lake Park.

Everson Museum Festival of Trees

Trees Covered with Scrolled Ornaments Donated in 2004 and 2005

The Festival of Trees at the Everson Museum has been held for 28 years in December. This Festival has members of the community donating fully decorated trees and wreaths that then are sold to gain funds for the Museum.  SWWA’s Scrolling Interest Group donated trees in 2004 and 2005 with over 100 scrolled ornaments hung on the tree.

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