Order your SWWA apparel today!

New! (8/29/03)Order your SWWA apparel today using the order form below.

SWWA Apparel Order form: Order Form

The order form has been posted here in PDF format. To view the form you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer (you may already have Acrobat, so click the links and see what happens). Acrobat is a FREE program you can download from www.adobe.com.

Microsoft Word Format Apparel Order form: Microsoft Word Format Order Form

SWWA Apparel 2003
Denim Shirt with Embroidered Logo S, M, L, XL Denim $26.99*
Piquet Golf Shirt with Embroidered Logo [Anvil] S, M, L, XL Colors: Black, Ivy, White, Red, Royal, Heather, Light Blue,Maroon, Navy, Ash, Natural $18.00*
Cotton Golf Shirt with Embroidered Logo [Anvil] S, M, L, XL Colors: Black, Ivy, White, Red, Royal, Heather $15.00*
Sweatshirt (7.5 oz) with Embroidered Logo S, M, L, XL Colors: White, Black, Grey, Navy, Maroon, Ash, Orange $16.00*
T-Shirt (50/50) with Embroidered Logo [Gilden or Anvil] S, M, L, XL Colors: many different colors $9.99*
Shop Apron with Embroidered Logo 20″ x 30″, full length, adjustable Colors: Royal, White, Black, Forest, Navy, Red $15.75
Twill Baseball Hat, five or six panel with Embroidered Logo one size fits all – Low profile only in six panel; low or high profile in five or six panel Colors: vary depending upon type of hat selected $8.50

* For sizes above XL, add $1.75 for each extra X

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