SWWA has an active Scrolling Interest Group. There are several websites that are useful for scrollers. They are summarized below.
* The Art Factory – Website of Dirk and Karen Boelman where you will find a wide variety of scroll saw patterns, intarsia patterns, scroll saw blades, clock parts, velvet board and other supplies that you need to complete scrolling projects.
* Berry Basket – Supplier of downloadable patterns for the scroller.
Cherry Tree – Supplier of downloadable patterns for the scroller.
Fine Scrollsaw – Pedro from Spain has created some incredible fretwork patterns that challenge even the most talented scroller. He sends you the patterns in PDF format. Some require large format printers.
* Just Flock It! dba DonJer Products Corp – Provider of flocking supplies.
Intarsia.co.uk – Intarsia patterns and information.
Intarsia Designs – Supplier of intarsia plans.
Intarsia.net – Information on intarsia with a link to Bruce Worthington’s website for patterns.
Klock-It – Supplier of clock making supplies.
Mike’s Workshop – Sells Flying Dutchman scroll saw blades. Highly recommended.
* PS Wood Machines – Supplier of Super Sharp scrolling blades and source for Timber Wolf band saw blades of any size – a great silicon steel blade.
Rick’s Scrollsaw – Rick Hutcheson’s scroll saw site. Great place to start getting information on scrolling. Great tips and reviews.
* RJR Studios – Maker of the SandFlee sanding machine as well as sanding mops in various grits.
* Roberts Studio – Developer and supplier of intarsia patterns. Also holds classes and sells many accessories.
Sawbird.com – Intarsia plans from Garnet Hall.
Scroll4Fun – Scroll and fretwork patterns.
Scrollsaw Artist – Sue Mey’s website with patterns designed by Sue. Patterns delivered in PDF format to your email.
Scroll Bench – Patterns for the scroller and other information.
Scrollsaw Bowls Blog – Blog from Carol e Rothman on her ventures in creating bowls on the scrollsaw.
ScrollMania! – Website tools for the scroller (and general woodworker). Includes Polydraw, Polyanalyze, Angle Calculator, and Board Foot Calculator. Also has some free plans.
Scrollsaw Village – A community dedicated to the promotion of the scrolling arts. Here you’ll find an active and friendly community of scroll saw enthusiasts freely sharing ideas, techniques, patterns and their latest works!
Scrollsaw Woodworking & Crafts Forum – Forum for scrollers. Great place to learn and obtain free patterns. Register to get full access.
Scrollsaw Workshop – Steve Good’s website which provides daily emails containing links to patterns he’s designed. Includes some great progams.
* Scroller Ltd – Supplier of patterns and other supplies for the scroller. Patterns not available in PDF format.
* Seyco – Ray Seymore is the dealer and authorized repairer for the Excalibur scrollsaw. He also sells several accessories for the scroller.
Sheila Landry Designs – A great designer and supplier of patterns for the scroller. Maintains a blog on scrolling and provides some great videos, articles, and other resources for the scroller.
Sloans Woodshop – A great supplier of scrolling accessories including colored acrylic panels.
Toymaking Plans.com – Website with tons of original toy plans.
Traforaj – Website from Romania with scrolling patterns.
Wildwood Designs – Supplier of patterns and other supplies for the scroller.
* The Wooden Teddy Bear – Great supplier of patterns and other supplies for the scroller. Very customer friendly but plans are still not downloadable.
Wood You Believe What I Saw – US Access to patterns from German Volker Arnold . His patterns are sold as PDF files on CDs.
* Vendors who donate product or gift certificates to SWWA events on a regular basis.